Modern-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Statement
This Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is a response to Section 54(1), Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and related to actions and activities.
LA NET Ltd (‘the Company’, ’we’, ’us’ or ‘our’) is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking violations in its own operations, its supply chain, and its products. We have zero-tolerance towards slavery and require our supply chain to comply with our values.
Organisational Structure
LA NET Ltd has business operations in the United Kingdom, as well as:
- Europe
- Recruitment and Selection Policy – We conduct checks on all prospective employees to verify that they are eligible to work in the UK.
- Whistleblowing Policy – We operate this policy so that employees are able to raise concerns about how staff are being treated or practices within our business or our supply chains without fear of reprisal.
- How to identify the signs of slavery and human trafficking
- What initial steps should be taken if slavery or human trafficking is suspected
- What external help is available
- What steps the Company should take if suppliers in its supply chain do not implement anti-slavery policies in high-risk scenarios